ERIA - Economic Research Institute for ASEAN and East Asia

05/17/2022 | News release | Archived content

ERIA to Partner with the Indonesian MOT and ITAPS-IPB University in Supporting Policymaking and Digital Transformation

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ERIA to Partner with the Indonesian MOT and ITAPS-IPB University in Supporting Policymaking and Digital Transformation


Jakarta, 17 May 2022: The COVID-19 pandemic and current global geopolitical turbulences have presented serious challenges to global trade. Against this backdrop, a timely trade policy reorientation is needed. Furthermore, the pandemic has also highlighted the need for rapid digital transformation in trade. This is potentially problematic for Indonesia where much of the economy is supported by MSMEs that lack the resources to attain digital transformation.

On May 17th, 2022, the Indonesian Ministry of Trade (MOT), ERIA, and IPB University International Trade Analysis and Policy Studies (ITAPS) came together to discuss and kick-start projects about the above-mentioned issues. The discussion was centered on ITAPS's three proposed activities, instigated by MOT's request, that aim at (1) yielding relevant, high-quality policy discussions to support trade policies; (2) identifying challenges and potential solutions of digital transformation for MSMEs; and (3) measuring Indonesia's trade digitalization.

In the discussion, MOT, ERIA, and ITAPS expressed their will to intensively collaborate and support each other to achieve the objectives of the three activities. Though some details are still under intense discussion, particularly on concerns of the necessity and methodological design in measuring Indonesia's trade digitalization, the three institutions fully realize the importance of these activities and are hoping to bring meaningful policy support from the three activities. The first activity will come in early June in the form of the Trade Policy Advisory Group Seminar (TradePAG) which brings high-profile experts from various backgrounds and will be followed by collaborative research for activities (2) and (3).


17 May 2022



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