
The President of Russia

04/15/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/15/2024 11:30

Meeting with Volgograd Region Governor Andrei Bocharov

Andrei Bocharov Bocharov AndreiGovernor of Volgograd Regionreported that the socioeconomic situation in the Volgograd Region was stable. Plans and development programmes are being implemented, and a solid foundation has been created to address the tasks set in the Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation. The Volgograd Region is ready to carry out large-scale tasks.

According to the Governor, social commitments are being met in full. Support is provided to families with children, people with disabilities, and the elderly. The absolute priority is to support the participants in the special military operation and their family members. Today, there are 35 regional support measures in effect in the Volgograd Region.

The Governor highlighted a number of issues that he believed required additional work. The region has decided to provide vehicles to the participants in the special military operation who sustained a wound or orthopaedic injury during combat operations but are medically fit to drive a vehicle. Those who are not able to do that will be provided with a social taxi when needed. According to Andrei Bocharov, this support measure should extend to the entire territory of Russia. In addition, he drew attention to Russian Law No. 125 of 1998, which provides for support measures to purchase vehicles by employees who have been registered as disabled or got a disease in connection with their occupation at enterprises, but, unfortunately, that law does not stipulate for similar support measures for participants in combat operations, for military personnel.

Andrei Bocharov also stressed that the Volgograd Region decided to provide free vehicles not just to the participants in the special military operation but to all combat veterans. All combat veterans will be provided with a vehicle as a social taxi if they are unable to get around on their own.

To be continued.

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Published in sections: News, Transcripts

Publication date: April 15, 2024, 15:05

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