09/05/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/04/2024 17:00
Published:5 September 2024
Released by:Minister for Local Government
The NSW Government is proposing reforms to overhaul the broken Code of Conduct system for elected councillors, which is generating thousands of trivial complaints making it almost impossible to act swiftly and fairly on matters of genuine concern.
A discussion paper released today proposes a complete rewrite and simplification of the Model Code of Conduct as well as a number of new pathways for addressing poor councillor behaviour.
At over 100 pages long the current code of conduct framework is overly complex, distracts from robust democratic debate and is being increasingly weaponised for political reasons.
There were 4,289 code of conduct complaints lodged over the last three years alone, forcing councils to divert significant time and money from providing local services to resolve these complaints.
Proposed reforms would streamline the code of conduct down to 2-3 pages similar to the State Parliamentary code, and outline clear expectations of behaviour for 1,300 elected councillors.
The new code of conduct system would see minor complaints about councillor misbehaviour dealt with by a councillor's peers and leave serious matters relating to conflicts of interest to be examined by the Office of Local Government.
The government is also putting forward reforms to improve transparency of council meetings to ensure decisions are being made openly and in the best interests of the community as a whole.
Key reforms outlined in the discussion paper, some of which would require changes to the Local Government Act 1993, include.
The discussion paper is now open for community and sector feedback.
Submissions close Friday, 15 November 2024.
Minister for Local Government Ron Hoenig said:
"The current councillor code of conduct system is fundamentally broken.
"It is too open to weaponisation, with tit-for-tat complaints diverting critical council resources and ratepayer money from the things that matter most to communities.
"The sheer volume of vexatious complaints being made is preventing the Office of Local Government from focussing its attention on getting crooks out of the local government sector.
"The options presented in this discussion paper put the onus back on addressing and resolving issues of councillor misbehaviour at a local level, rather than escalating complaints for the state government or private investigators to fix.
"It also puts forward options to strengthen the role of the Office of Local Government as the sector regulator, including expanded investigation powers for serious conflict of interest breaches and the ability to issue penalty infringement notices.
"For far too long the system has been abused. It's time to restore public confidence in councils and ensure the dignity of this vital third tier of government is upheld."