Sofia Municipality

05/22/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/22/2024 06:41

Ivan Vasilev: Mayor Terziev's goal is that by the end of his term in Sofia, there will be no child without full-day childcare

"Sofia's budget is BGN 2.6 billion, but it is not enough to solve all the problems, some of which have been accumulated for decades. As a place where more than 2 million people live and work and where more than 40% of the GDP is produced, the budget should be much bigger to meet the needs, demands and expectations of the people. I am calling for active work with the state in the coming months in order to make real financial decentralization, so that Sofia's money increases and the capital becomes truly a better place to live," Ivan Vassilev also stated.

"At the moment, a number of sidewalks are being renovated. More than 420,000 square meters of sidewalks are planned for this and next year to be repaired, but this will not happen quickly and easily if we do not find additional funding, because Sofia's budget is not sufficient for this. Vassilev stated and explained that more than one mandate will be needed for this. "Mayor Terziev and I have active meetings with representatives of the construction industry, a few days ago we had a meeting with the Chamber of Builders. We are having conversations about how to improve the quality of execution of infrastructure orders in Sofia and to stop the repair of the repair."

"Removing the bike lanes from the sidewalks makes the environment much safer for both cyclists and pedestrians, who until now were in conflict on Vitosha Blvd. This is how we make parking on Vitosha Blvd much safer. We apologize to citizens for the inconvenience caused. We don't want to oppose some traffic participants to others," said the deputy mayor. Ivan Vasilev recalled that the deputy mayor for transport and municipal councilors had presented the project to the Municipal Council and to the media, but he promised that when the next changes are implemented, communication would increase. He explained that the effect of the introduction of the new organization is currently being studied and the mayor is ready to reconsider his decision if it turns out that the changes are not optimal.

Regarding the problem with kindergartens, which has existed for decades, Ivan Vassilev stated that until now there has been a lack of active communication between the Metropolitan Municipality and the state, which is the reason why the former mayor of the capital has not found a systematic solution. He explained that the current mayor of Sofia is looking for a solution from all interested parties - state, parliament, municipal council, ministries.