Springer Nature AG & Co. KgaA

10/31/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 10/30/2024 15:24

Global research publisher Springer Nature halves logistics emissions in journey to become net zero by 2040

London | New York | Berlin, 31 October 2024

The publisher's intensified efforts to reduce logistics and physical product emissions are progressing well, a new scope 3 inventory supplement shows.

Today global research publisher Springer Nature publishes its second annual scope 3 supplement, summarising their greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory across all scopes from 2019 to 2023.

It builds on the publication of their scope 1, 2 and partial scope 3* emissions outlined in their latest sustainability report Open for Progress and serves as its annual update on progress against its Science Based Targets.

Highlights include:

  • Logistics emissions are down 50% on Springer Nature's baseline year (2019), and nearly 11% year-on-year thanks to increased efficiencies and local printing. Emissions related to physical products are also down by 30% since 2019, following intensified efforts in both areas.
  • Springer Nature buildings reported sustained reductions in emissions, helped by their new, more energy-efficient offices in Pune. They continue to use this approach to inform office space decisions, such as their recently opened office in Heidelberg.
  • The publisher is making good progress towards its target of net zero by 2040, and comfortably meeting nearer term goals too. However, they will continue to rely on the data collected in this supplement to inform targeted action.

Commenting on the supplement, Springer Nature's Vice President of Sustainability and Climate Action Officer Thea Sherer said:

"I'm pleased to share this new scope 3 supplement which shows we are making good progress against our targets, and seeing reductions where it really matters - like our logistics and physical products emissions. Thanks to the hard work of colleagues collaborating across business areas, we can be confident that we are meeting important milestones on our path to net zero. Although the hard work has only just begun, this data and the positive steps we've taken so far helps us move in the right direction as we follow the science and take the targeted action needed."

Notes to editors

*Related to flights and leased buildings - those areas where Springer Nature previously considered they had most oversight and control.

For more information on Springer Nature's commitment to sustainability, visit the Taking Responsibility section of the website for more information.

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As a research publisher, Springer Nature is home to trusted brands including Springer, Nature Portfolio, BMC, Palgrave Macmillan and Scientific American. For more information, please visit springernature.com and @SpringerNature


Maeve Dunne | Sustainability Communications | Springer Nature
[email protected]