
Martin Heinrich

05/23/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/23/2024 15:00

Heinrich: “I won’t stop fighting to secure our border”

WASHINGTON - U.S. Senator Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) released the following statement after Republicans once again blocked the Senate from even beginning debate on bipartisan border security legislation:

"For years, my Republican colleagues have insisted that the only real long-term solution to secure our border was for Congress to pass legislation. Then, they killed the strongest bipartisan border security bill we've seen in a generation. All because Donald Trump told them to.

"Today's vote was another opportunity to choose people over politics. And once again, Republicans failed.

"In blocking this bill, Republicans chose chaos over the safety and well-being of the American people, leaving our nation vulnerable to national security risks and terrorism threats. And they've decided their political talking points were more important than making our border more secure, orderly, and humane.

"New Mexicans deserve better. We deserve leaders in Washington driven by what's good for our country and communities, not what's good for Trump's campaign rallies.

"I remain focused on solutions, not political stunts. I won't stop fighting to secure our border and fix our broken immigration system."


In February, in an op-ed published in USA TODAY, Heinrich slammed Republicans' hypocrisy following their vote to block this same bipartisan border deal, emphasizing the need for real solutions - not political stunts - to our nation's broken immigration system.

Earlier this year, Heinrich led his Senate colleagues in a letter to President Joe Biden outlining the urgent need for robust funding for border security and drug interdiction efforts to stem the flow of fentanyl and similar illicit drugs being smuggled across the border through official ports of entry.

In April, Heinrich secured the passage into law of the FEND Off Fentanyl Act, which will give law enforcement the tools needed to crack down on drug traffickers and international criminal organizations. This new law will combat the flow of deadly fentanyl before it ever reaches our nation's borders. It is one of the most significant actions Congress has taken to effectively address the fentanyl epidemic that's killing New Mexicans and tearing families apart.

In the most recent government funding law, Heinrich secured more than $1 million to help law enforcement agencies throughout New Mexico purchase equipment to safely identify fentanyl and other illicit substances, the creation of a first-of-its-kind fentanyl tracking system, and language that directs the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) to remove barriers to access life-saving opioid use disorder medications. Heinrich also delivered more than $400 million for U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) to detect and seize fentanyl at our ports of entry.


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