U.S. House of Representatives Committee on Homeland Security

02/07/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 02/07/2023 22:33

MISSING from the State of the Union: The REAL State of our Homeland Security

MISSING from the State of the Union: The REAL State of our Homeland Security

WASHINGTON, DC- After spending 72 minutes painting a rosy picture of the state of our union to Congress tonight, President Biden failed miserably to take stock of the reality of the state of our homeland security. We know the American people don't believe for one second Joe Biden is improving the strength of our union, as evidenced by their decision to give Republicans the majority in the House of Representatives. The Committee on Homeland Security will not let President Biden push his jaded narrative, and we will consistently and firmly remind him of the impact of his failed policies-and will set the record straight.


Read the REAL State of our Union: Homeland Security Edition here.

MISSING: President Biden failed to acknowledge the record-breaking, deadly crisis at the Southwest border, created by his refusal to enforce laws on the books, and that poses the single-most immediate threat to our homeland security.

MISSING: President Biden grazed over the fact that drug overdose deaths have reached record highs from synthetic drugs, like fentanyl, coming across the U.S.-Mexico border and flowing into our communities, killing our children and neighbors.

MISSING: After putting our dedicated Border Patrol agents and law enforcement on the frontlines of his self-made crisis at the Southwest border, President Biden failed to acknowledge their tireless work and sacrifice.

MISSING: Even after the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) brazenly launched a surveillance balloon into U.S. airspace last week, President Biden failed to drop the hammer on Beijing-sending the message that the U.S. will roll over in the face of these acts of aggression.

MISSING: Cyber-attacks continue to be a pre-eminent national security threat of our time. We face cyber threats from criminal actors and nation-state adversaries targeting government and private entities alike - including our hospitals, schools, and financial systems. Our cyber resilience remains key to the state of our union, which President Biden failed to address.

Read the REAL State of our Union: Homeland Security Edition here.
