Knowsley Metropolitan Borough Council

01/16/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/16/2025 11:10

Stay well and safe during the cold weather

Stay well and safe during the cold weather

by Lisa Bennett January 16, 2025
January 16, 2025

The Met Office have issued a Cold Weather Alert for the North West of England between 6pm Friday 17 January and 9am Tuesday 21 January.

Cold weather is the cause of more deaths each year than road traffic accidents, alcohol or drugs. Prolonged exposure to cold weather can increase the health risks to vulnerable people. The health impacts of exposure to cold weather will be amplified this winter, as we continue to deal with the rising cost of living and illnesses such as flu and Covid-19.

This weather could also disrupt delivery of services, which may be under additional pressure due to winter pressures.

Cold Weather Advice: Follow the tips below to ensure you stay safe during the cold weather:

  • If you have a long-term condition and start to feel unwell, get advice from your pharmacist.
  • Ensure you have plenty of warm food and drinks.
  • Wear lots of thin layers (clothes made from wool, cotton or fleecy fibres).
  • Homes should be heated to the right temperature: at least 18°C (65F).
  • If you can't heat all the rooms you use, heat the living room during the day and your bedroom just before you go to bed.
  • Keep heaters and fires away from clothes, blankets and other combustible materials.
  • Ensure electric blankets are safe to use. Check that wires are not frayed. Once an electric blanket has been switched on, do not leave it unattended.
  • If you have a gas/solid fuel appliance/boiler, consider getting an audible carbon monoxide alarm and test it weekly - this could save your life.
  • Please bear in mind the importance of circulating air indoors this winter, to mitigate the effects of viruses in circulation, including Covid-19.
  • Try to stay as active as possible. Spending more time indoors may result in a reduction of activity, which could have health and wellbeing related risks.
  • Check on elderly and vulnerable relatives and neighbours
  • For those who have not yet done so Covid-19 and flu vaccinations continue to be available. For more information on eligibility and how to book for either flu or Covid-19 visit Flu vaccine - NHS (

Local support to stay warm and well is available across Knowsley. For information about which services are open, what they are providing and opening times please visit Cost of living support - Knowsley News. For anyone not able to access this service please call the cost-of-living helpline on 0151 443 3300 or for fuel support call the Emergency Support scheme on 0151 443 3200.

More information can be found via the following link to the Adverse Weather and Health Plan, with tailored advice and action cards provided for frontline professionals.

More information and advice to help people to stay safe, warm and healthy during with extreme winter weather can be found at
