09/03/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/03/2024 01:04
Since the auction of the following 1 issue closed at the upper (lower) price on the TSE, the upper daily price limit (lower price limit) will be broadened on the next business day (September 4) as follows.
MAXIS JAPAN Proactive Investment in Physical and Human Capital 200 Index ETF (Code: 1485)
Upper daily price limit: 40,000 yen (Lower limit will remain 10,000 yen as per normal)
Base price: 52,450 yen; Upper daily price limit: 92,450 yen; Lower daily price limit: 42,450 yen
(Note 1) If a trade is executed at a price other than the upper (or lower) daily price limit and the auction closed on or after September 4, TSE will return the daily price limits to normal.
(Note 2) Please note that a market order may be executed at an unexpected price due to the broadened daily price limits.
Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. Equities Department
TEL:Tel: +81-3-3666-0141