F5 Inc.

09/18/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/18/2024 09:35

Modernizing Your App Security with F5 on Google Cloud

F5 provides security wherever apps are deployed. Integration with Google Cloud services, such as Google Cloud Armor, enables organizations to add additional security capabilities to protect their app deployments.

F5 BIG-IP Virtual Edition (VE) offers a web application firewall that can be integrated into the development lifecycle to protect applications from the start in addition to enabling consistent security across environments.

DevSecOps teams can use F5 BIG-IP VE to define and deploy consistent security policies around traffic flows, identity and access management, and APIs. F5 BIG-IP VE helps to extend existing F5 BIG-IP on-premises security capabilities to the cloud, removes migration roadblocks, and accelerates Google Cloud adoption.

Teams can seamlessly connect F5 BIG-IP VE with Google Kubernetes Engine to apply existing security rules to their modern apps. Plus, access to consistent, easily consumable policies helps security teams avoid having to configure security ad hoc.

Using F5 BIG-IP during the development process empowers organizations to shift left by establishing consistent application security guardrails for every environment, including with virtualized, Kubernetes, and serverless apps. It helps propel efficiency in application ideation, development, and operations.