01/14/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/14/2025 20:45
January 14, 2025
Maria Lee, Media & Communications, [email protected], (253) 591-2054
TACOMA, Wash. - The City of Tacoma has been awarded a total of $10,627,945 in grant funding for six needed infrastructure projects across the city. These projects aim to enhance pedestrian safety, improve ADA accessibility, expand bikeways, upgrade roadways, modernize traffic signals, and develop comprehensive transportation plans. They support the City's Vision Zero Action Plan goal of eliminating traffic-related fatalities and serious injuries by 2035.
"This is fantastic news for Tacoma," said Mayor Victoria Woodards. "We are committed to investing in infrastructure that supports our community's needs and priorities. These grants awarded by the Puget Sound Regional Council, Transportation Improvement Board and Washington State Department of Transportation will enable us to make significant progress on our transportation goals, creating a safer, more accessible, and more livable city for all residents."
Funded projects include:
Puyallup Avenue Corridor Improvements With Pedestrian Access to Fife: The project will reconstruct Puyallup Avenue with complete street elements including sidewalks/curb ramps, curb bulbs, crosswalks, signals, lighting, landscaping, bus stops, upgraded utilities, and a shared HOV/transit lane, as well as minor improvements to side streets to reorient/increase functionality of parking spaces, and other street amenities. The pavement design for driving lanes will meet heavy haul standards. Bike lanes/active transportation facilities will also be added to provide Fife to Tacoma pedestrian access, and ramps at the Portland/Puyallup intersection will be adjusted, to connect this project's amenities to the Washington State Department of Transportation's regional bike facility improvements along SR 167.
6th Avenue and Tacoma Avenue Pavement Preservation: This project will improve the pavement condition and pedestrian accessibility on 6th Avenue from the intersection at South Yakima Avenue to the intersection at St. Helens Avenue and Tacoma Avenue South from approximately South 5th Street to South 7th Street.
Tacoma Mall Neighborhood Loop Road Active Transportation Plan: This project will develop a plan for a loop road which will enhance pedestrian and bicycle connections and safety in the Tacoma Mall Regional Growth Center.
South 11th Street and South Sprague Avenue Signalized Intersection Improvements: This project will enhance pedestrian safety by constructing ADA-accessible curb ramps, accessible pedestrian signals, leading pedestrian intervals, high-visibility crosswalk markings, and upgraded signal heads. These safety improvements were identified in the City's Vision Zero Action Plan which guides traffic safety investments with the goal of eliminating traffic fatalities and serious injuries by 2035.
East Roosevelt Avenue Arterial Improvements: This project will reconstruct or overlay East Roosevelt Avenue pavement from East 38th Street to East Sherman Street, close sidewalk gaps, and improve pedestrian safety by constructing missing link sidewalk, supporting Safe Routes to School and fostering a safer environment for all road users.
South 56th Street Crossing Improvements: This project will enhance pedestrian and bicycle safety at the intersection of A Street and South 56th Street. This project will be a step toward the City's vision for a traffic-calmed neighborhood greenway on A Street that will provide an alternative for pedestrian and bicycle travel parallel to Pacific Avenue.
Another prime example of the City's strategic use of local dollars to leverage significant outside funding, the City will provide an estimated $3,741,880 in matching funds, as required by the agreements unlocking $10,627,945 in grant funding. The City's matching funds will be primarily drawn from Streets Initiative I revenue sources approved by voters in 2015. The City's contributions, combined with state and federal funds, provide for a $14,369,825 total investment in the City's transportation system.
Updates on the progress of these projects will be posted at cityoftacoma.org/capitalprojectsas they become available.