Solano County, CA

07/22/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/22/2024 16:40

Solano Community Probation honors officers and staff who help keep our community safe and support justice-involved individuals as part of Probation Services Week, 2024

Solano Community Probation honors officers and staff who help keep our community safe and support justice-involved individuals as part of Probation Services Week, 2024

July 22, 2024

SOLANO COUNTY - Today, Chief Probation Officer Dean Farrah announced this year's annual Probation Service Week will be taking place from July 21 to July 27, 2024, to honor probation professionals who work to keep communities safe and support the rehabilitative process for justice-involved individuals under their supervision and care. Solano County Probation provides accountability, opportunity, and hope for justice-involved individuals -- making a real difference in the lives of people by using evidence-based rehabilitation that helps people achieve long-term success and contributes to sustainable community safety.

In anticipation of Probation Services Week, Chief Probation Officer Dean Farrah expressed his enthusiasm, stating, "The Solano County Probation Department is an incredible team that is dedicated to supporting the community and positively impacting the clients we serve. We must prioritize the well-being of probation professionals, who play a pivotal role in providing essential services that profoundly impact the lives of clients and uplift our community. While we take the time to formally recognize their efforts this week, our probation staff make a meaningful difference in Solano County every single day."

Probation is administered at the county level, offering a safe, cost-effective, and transformative alternative to incarceration, through individualized supervision and rehabilitative programs that empower individuals to make positive changes for a brighter future and safer community. Additionally, the department provides supervision, programming and services for youth housed at the Solano County Juvenile Detention Facility. The Department employs 95 Deputy Probation Officers, one Mental Health Clinician, three Social Workers, and four Social Service Workers to supervise and support approximately 2550 adults and 200 youth annually, as well as 61 Juvenile Correctional Counselors to supervise youth detained at the Juvenile Detention Facility (JDF), and the Reaching into Successful Endeavors (RISE) Program.

The Department spans public safety and social services, by helping to rehabilitate justice-involved individuals using evidence-based strategies that positively change behavior and help clients become positive members of our community. The highly trained Deputy Probation Officers, Juvenile Correctional Counselors, and Social Services staff remain dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those involved in the justice system connecting them to workforce development, substance use treatment, mental health services, family engagement, barrier removal, and educational opportunities. These efforts positively impact the wellness of the client and the community.

During Probation Services Week, members of the community are encouraged to recognize probation officers, juvenile correctional counselors, and all probation staff for their dedication to the people they work with and our community.

Visit the Solano County Probation Department's website and on social media @SolanoProbation.