Neoenergia SA

12/02/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/02/2022 09:03

Neoenergia Institute celebrates the 100th anniversary of Theatro Cinema Guarany, in Pernambuco ...


Neoenergia Institute celebrates the 100th anniversary of Theatro Cinema Guarany, in Pernambuco, with cultural illumination of the historical building

Instituto Neoenergia

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An icon of audiovisual and performing arts in Pernambuco, Theatro Cinema Guarany, in the city of Triunfo, about 400 kilometers from the capital Recife, celebrates 100 years. To celebrate the landmark, the monument wins this Saturday (3/12) a new lighting that will highlight the architectural work. The initiative is the result of the actions of the Cultural Lighting Program of the Neoenergia Institute, which promotes the conservation and recovery of historical buildings in the country. The celebration will also have the participation of the community with a series of free cultural activities.

"We are committed to contributing to the improvement of the quality of life in the communities where Neoenergia operates, illuminating smiles, people and communities. We recognize that art and culture are important tools of this transformation to reduce inequalities through the valorization of historical, artistic and cultural heritage," says Renata Chagas, director of the Neoenergia Institute.

The celebration of the centenary of Theatro Cinema Guarany is up to the cultural relevance of the space for the state of Pernambuco. The event will be attended by more than 100 artists and doers of local culture. The program begins with a show of films created by students from public schools in the municipality participating in the educational actions of the Cultural Lighting Program. The party will also have artistic performances from the region, including a show by triunfense artist Jessica Caitano.

In addition to the new lighting, the Neoenergia Institute carried out heritage education actions with about 400 students from the 14 public schools in the region. The objective was to promote the importance of the conservation of historical monuments and show the relevance of Theatro Cinema Guarany for the construction of the cultural and collective identity of the city.

The Cultural Lighting Program in Triunfo is an initiative of the Neoenergia Institute in partnership with Brasilis Produções Culturalis, Fundação do Patrimônio Histórico e Artístico de Pernambuco (Fundarpe) and Prefeitura Municipal de Triunfo.

Learn more about the Cultural Lighting Program:

Event for the community | Cultural Intervention

Saturday - 3/12/22

7:00 pm to 8:| Procession with the presence of artists and cultural manifestations of Triunfo

8:00 pm to 8:05 | Inauguration of Cultural Lighting with presentation of Banda Isaías

8:15 p.m. to 9 p| Closing show with Jessica Caitano

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