SUPSI - Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana

01/13/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/13/2025 07:32

From Laboratory Testing to Field Application

From laboratory testing to field application

  • January 13th, 2025


The RiBeMoS project is entering a new phase. A station will be built in Val Canaria in the spring that will contain the multi-sensor system developed to monitor suspended and bottom solid transport in rivers.

The unprecedented combination of sensors and a machine learning algorithm, developed by SUPSI's Institute of Systems and Applied Electronics (ISEA), have shown promising results with a very low margin of error in the measurements made during testing.

In the video, filmed in the Laboratorium3D spaces, the team of researchers and partners go over the main steps and operation of this technology, which was developed and tested on scale models in the laboratory in Biasca and Valle Bedretto. The next step, supported by the Watercourses Office of Canton Ticino, will be the installation of the developed prototype in a measuring station in Val Canaria, above Airolo. This new step will provide a continuous measurement system for further testing and refinement.

Looking forward, the multisensor system could prove invaluable in identifying new sites for preventive works and in defining renaturation measures for watercourses.