Dynatrace Inc.

08/02/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 08/02/2021 02:08

What’s the hype with hyperscale?

Digital transformation used to be considered a marketing buzzword but, over the past year, we've seen an unprecedented spike in organizations looking to embrace digital transformation even more and transform their organizations faster given the state of the market. Unforeseen events and changing consumer habitats, as a result, have accelerated the need for companies to be 'digital-first' and develop cloud-native platforms so resources like server capacity could be easily and rapidly scaled up or down to meet the needs of the business.

As we adapted to the changing environment and customer expectations the last year brought, we have evolved into a 'new normal' that is increasingly digital in the way we interact with businesses. This isn't limited to consumers; employees also find themselves empowered by digital and the ability to work from anywhere.

The digital future that's on the horizon is reliant on the power of the cloud and will require the best technology to match. But what does that look like? More recently, there has been a lot of talk about hyperscale and hyperscalers, but what exactly is 'hyperscale'?

What is hyperscale?

Hyperscale is the ability of an architecture to scale appropriately as increased demand is added to the system. Hyperscalers are often organizations that provide seamless delivery to build a robust and scalable cloud. Some examples include Amazon, Microsoft, and Google.

Hyperscale is important because it provides the ability to scale and respond immediately to increased demand, as well as being easily accessible, cost-effective, and reliable. Here's a list of some key hyperscale benefits:

  • Speed: Hyperscale makes it easy to manage your shifting computing needs.
  • Reduce downtime: Hyperscale reduces the cost of disruption, minimizing downtime due to increased demand or other issues.
  • Increase operational efficiency: Hyperscale reduces the layers of control, making it easier to manage modern computer operations.
  • Digital transformation: Hyperscale makes it easy to transition and/or grow in the cloud.
  • Scale: Hyperscale allows you to scale up or down depending on demand.

Hyperscale and your business

So, what does hyperscale mean for businesses? As mentioned above, the way we rely on digital is not going away and transformation goals are not yet complete. Organizations, and teams within them, need to stay the course, leveraging multicloud platforms to meet the demand of users proactively and proficiently, as well as drive business growth. Hyperscale and partnering with a hyperscaler are key to keeping these platforms up and running and eliminating disruption, whether it be to a consumer's digital shopping experience or your remote workers dialing in and collaborating from different regions of the world. Leveraging this will enable organizations to meet the demands and apply the appropriate resources.

Does this mean with hyperscale everything is perfect? No. With all these transitions, challenges will arise due to the increasing complexity of these dynamic environments. That's why it's important to find ways to automate the influx of data hyperscalers bring.

Automatic and intelligent observability for hyperscale

Understanding multicloud environments requires automation because it can handle the scale of every single component in an enterprise ecosystem as well as the interdependencies. This alleviates manual tasks and allows the focus on driving substantial business results.

Dynatrace delivers automatic and intelligent observability at scale for cloud-native workloads and enterprise applications to help ensure end-to-end multicloud distributed tracing. This helps you transform faster by taming modern cloud complexity with observability, automation, and intelligence in a single platform delivering multicloud observability that's more than metrics, logs, and traces. Dynatrace is a partner with the hyperscalers you use most, with deep innovative integrations with AWS, Azure, Google, and many more. Download Dynatrace's free trial to see how easy it is to get out-of-the-box support for hyperscale cloud.