Japan Exchange Group Inc.

05/15/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/15/2024 00:43

May 15, 2024TSE Transfer of Market Segment (from Growth Market to Standard Market): EnBio Holdings,Inc

List of Segment Transferred Companies


Date Issue Name Code Market Segment Previous Market Segment Underwriter*
May 22, 2024 EnBio Holdings,Inc 6092 Standard Growth Mizuho Securities Co., Ltd.
  • Underwriter that has submitted the "Written Confirmation" as stipulated in the "Enforcement Rules for Securities Listing Regulations, Rule 204, Paragraph 1, Item 6".

For segment transfer criteria, please refer to the following page:

For market division transfers before April 3, 2022, please refer to the following file:

Market division transfers before April 3, 2022

Re-selection of Market Segments (application period: April 1, 2023 - September 29)

Because a company listed on the Prime Market, which belonged to the 1st Section as of the day before the date of transition to the new market segments (April 3, 2022), chose to list its shares on the Standard Market and filed an application with Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (TSE), TSE implemented the market segment change to the Standard Market on October 20, 2023 for the listed shares, etc. of such listed company. Please refer to the following for the list of the companies that applied for this change.

Re-selection of Market Segments(October 13, 2023)