Los Angeles Fire Department

01/19/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/19/2025 22:40

Powerful Winds Coming to Los Angeles

With a forecast for high winds and dry conditions creating high fire danger in the City of Los Angeles, the Los Angeles Fire Department has declared a citywide Red Flag Alert with temporary street parking restrictions in designated areas.

This Red Flag Alert and enforcement of special parking rules in portions of the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone, will begin at 8:00 AM PST on January 20, 2025, and remain in effect until further notice.

For the current status of these temporary street parking restrictions, and to determine if your address is affected, please visit:


All vehicles parked illegally in posted locations within the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone will be towed by the City. The LAFD will reevaluate weather conditions on Tuesday, January 21, 2025 to determine if the Red Flag Alert will be extended.

In preparation for the increased fire risk weather, Your LAFD is utilizing a partial recall to hiring additional staffing and pre-deploying fire companies to selected locations based on historical and forecasted weather and proximity to freeways. There will be five three-engine task forces, three five-engine strike teams (including one strike team with engines from Santa Monica, Culver City and Beverly Hills Fire Department), and five single engines pre-deployed to designated stations - for a total of 35 pre-deployed fire engines. Eight additional fire engines will be staffed and work out of their respective stations. Additional added staffing includes: all Urban Search and Rescue and Hazardous Materials companies, 12 Brush Patrols, two Dozers, Water Tender, Air Operations pilots and helitac members, Metro Fire Communications Dispatchers and Captain supervisor.

In addition to keeping affected City streets clear of improperly parked vehicles, firefighters ask residents and visitors to:

  • Report immediately to 911 any smoke or flames without firefighters present.
  • Use extreme caution when operating any spark, flame or heat producing equipment in grass or brush areas.
  • Access real-time LAFD ALERTS and subscribe to the free NotifyLA system to assure you receive official messaging.
  • Have an evacuation plan that includes at least two exit routes from your area.
  • Follow the orders of uniformed public safety officials. If told to evacuate, please do so immediately.
  • Report any suspicious or criminal activity to law enforcement.