12/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/18/2024 15:46
Negative Declaration
Onondaga County - The City of Syracuse Planning Commission, as lead agency, has determined that the proposed Wellington Ward @ 1920 Park St will not have a significant adverse environmental impact. The action involves the following:
(i) removal and disposal of existing gravel and asphalt pavement, sidewalks, curbs, trees, fences and walls, and 1 story masonry building on the northeast corner of the site;
(ii) interior renovation of the existing structure to establish 59 dwelling units on the first floor to fourth floor and 2 commercial tenant spaces on the first floor;
(iii) construction of a new corridor between the two buildings to provide cross connection and elevator access;
(iv) construction of parking areas that includes 40 off-street parking spaces consisting of 17 below ground parking spaces and 23 surface parking spaces;
(v) site improvement including the construction of new on-site and off-site sidewalks, installation of bike racks, dumpster enclosure and underground stormwater detention system, and implementation of a landscaping plan to install on-site and off-site landscaping features.
The project is located at 1920 Park Street in the City of Syracuse, New York.
Zhitong Wu
City of Syracuse
300 South State Street, Suite 700
Syracuse, NY 13202