Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry of the Republic of Finland

11/29/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 11/29/2024 04:04

National Land Survey of Finland stops sending real-time GNSS data to EPN on 1 December 2024

National Land Survey of Finland stops sending real-time GNSS data to EPN on 1 December 2024

Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry
Publication date 29.11.2024 11.59
Press release
Photo: National Land Survey of Finland

As from 1 December 2024, the National Land Survey of Finland will not submit data from the base stations in the base station network of permanent satellite navigation (GNSS) receivers (FinnRef) in real time to the EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (EPN). In future, data from 20 base stations will be sent in file format retrospectively, as is also being done at present, which will enable EPN to carry out its main task, i.e. to maintain the European reference systems. Terminating the provision of real-time data will strengthen national security.

Precise positioning enabled by real-time EPN service is also contrary to the current operating model where real-time precise positioning is part of the business activities of companies. The present operating model has been based on the view that the State does not compete with private operators.

The Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry and the National Land Survey of Finland encourage the users of the EPN service to start using the precise positioning services operating in Finland on a commercial basis.

The National Land Survey of Finland maintains the base station network of permanent satellite navigation (GNSS) receivers FinnRef. At present the FinnRef network of base stations covers the whole territory of Finland with a network of about 100 base stations. The main purpose of FinnRef is to determine and maintain Finland's national reference systems, which enables the interoperability of spatial data with respect to positioning.

The task of the National Land Survey of Finland is to maintain the national reference systems and, relating to this, be a member of the international communities that maintain the European and global reference systems. To carry out these tasks, the National Land Survey of Finland sends data recorded by 20 base stations of FinnRef to be used by the EUREF Permanent GNSS Network (EPN).

EPN operates on a voluntary basis under the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). The main task of EPN is to provide access to the European reference system maintained by EUREF and to data of the GNSS stations, and to enable e.g. the pan-European coordinate reference system under the INSPIRE Directive.


Mika Karjalainen, Chief Specialist, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, tel. +358 295 162 335, email: [email protected]
Pentti Lähteenoja, Director General, Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, tel. +358 295 162 485, email: [email protected]
Mari Laakso, Research Director, National Land Survey of Finland, tel.+358 50 479 5092, email: [email protected]