07/07/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/07/2023 07:41
July 7, 2023 / #AdvocacyMatters
July is Disability Pride Month - a time to celebrate the rights and achievements of disabled people; aiming to shift the narrative around disabilities from one of social stigma and ableist misconceptions to one of pride, acceptance, empowerment, and self-advocacy. July was chosen to align with the anniversary of the Americans with Disabilities Act, a landmark piece of legislation that outlaws discrimination on the basis of disabilities.
At DRO, we strive to reinforce disability pride through direct, personal communication with disabled people with the goal of uplifting and empowering them. Our mission is to reach an equitable Ohio for all people with disabilities. Our work is also directed and informed by our Board of Directors, made up of experienced advocates - including individuals with disabilities, family members of individuals with disabilities, and professionals. Disability is a component of the rich diversity observed across the spectrum of humanity, and encouraging and empowering pride in all identities is key in lifting up these communities that have been marginalized for generations.
We nurture this mission all across our work, including legal advocacy, voting protection, monitoring and investigation of neglect or abuse, client assistance, and community engagement. We are passionate about the work we do to ultimately see our vision come to life: Voices Elevated, People Empowered, Equity Achieved.
In order to best root our work in the real, lived experiences of Ohioans with disabilities, we encourage you to participate in and share our annual survey, linked here (disabilityrightsohio.org/survey). The information collected through this survey will be used to refine and refocus our work in the coming year. You can also celebrate Disability Pride Month by investing in DRO, allowing us to expand our reach and our work. Learn more about giving at disabilityrightsohio.org/donate.