European Parliament

06/10/2021 | Press release | Archived content

Parliament’s delegation to the Conference on the Future of Europe

On Thursday, Parliament's Conference of Presidents announced the names of the 108 MEPs that will take part in the plenary meetings of the Conference on the Future of Europe.

The Conference Plenary seats have been allocated as follows.

EPP: 28

S&D: 23

Renew Europe: 15

Greens/EFA: 11

ID: 11
ECR: 9

The Left: 6

Non-attached Members: 5

The full composition of the Parliament's delegation to the Conference, as well as all other information on MEPs' work in the Conference, will be available on the dedicated EP webpage.

The delegation will meet prior to the inaugural plenary session of the Conference, set for 19 June 2021 in Strasbourg, with physical and remote participation.


The Conference Plenary will be composed of 108 representatives from the European Parliament, 54 from the Council (two per Member State) and 3 from the European Commission, as well as 108 representatives from all national Parliaments on an equal footing, and citizens. 108 Europeans will participate to discuss ideas stemming from the Citizens' Panels and the Multilingual Digital Platform: 80 representatives from the European Citizens' Panels, of which at least one third will be younger than 25, and 27 from national Citizens' Panels or Conference events (one per Member State), as well as the President of the European Youth Forum.

18 representatives from both the Committee of the Regions and the European Economic and Social Committee, and another eight from both social partners and civil society will also take part, while the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy will be invited for discussions relating to the international role of the EU. Representatives of key stakeholders may also be invited. The Conference Plenary will be gender balanced.

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