Gartner Inc.

06/24/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/25/2022 01:20

CSO Superchargers: Internalize the Three Fundamentals - Part Two

In my last Blog, we discussed how CSOs must internalize three key fundamentals. These then create an intersection that forms Habits which are key to our sales success and goal achievement. They were:

But what about our Sellers?

As CSOs, our Sellers' ability to achieve sales goals is a direct result of our training and mentorship of these fundamentals.


Whether your company is large or small, resource-rich or in start-up mode, your Seller's Knowledge falls squarely on your shoulders.

  1. Attend new hire/onboarding sessions with your Sellers to set an example that impress the importance of "What/Why".
  2. Work with Learning and Development (L&D) to modify Seller training agendas to increase relevant topics.
  3. Include ongoing knowledge instilment during your regular 1:1s, team calls and email communications.


Of course, Seller skills are a function of their personal characteristics, such as experience, cognition, dexterity, etc. But again, developing and maximizing our Seller's Skills is the sales leaders' domain.

  1. Partner with Sales Enablement to collect performance data from across your sales team. Further, assess gaps in Seller capability to prioritize their training needs.
  2. Team with L&D to determine curriculum, mix of delivery channels and methods.
  3. Create compelling messaging and metrics that promote a culture of training excellence and ongoing skill achievement.


Some argue that "Want" is solely innate within the individual and is not teachable. Wrong!Sales Leaders must build a team culture that deliberately shapes Seller Desire. How?

  1. Great sales leaders create Seller wellness by promoting healthy work and life balance by establishing realistic rhythms that avoid fatigue.
  2. Increase Seller engagement by building sales enablement programs that instills pride in the company. This way, Sellers experience positive energy from their work and believe in the company's direction.
  3. Mentor the "emotional intelligence" of your Sellers so they can understand and manage themselves. This teaches stress relief, effective communication, empathy, and conflict resolution, for example.

[*Spoiler Alert - The majority of my upcoming Blogs in this series will focus on building "Seller Desire".]


Ultimately, it is up to each individual to internalize Knowledge, Skill and Desire. However, CSOs must model and mentor their Sellers around these three fundamentals in order to achieve their mutual sales goals.