09/13/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 23:31
The fall matriculation examination begins on Monday, September 16, with the mother tongue and literature exam. Read what it takes to prepare for the exams! You can also find the matriculation exams test dates for each subject in the article.
The maximum length of each matriculation examination is 6 hours; however, in cases of special arrangements the duration of the exam can be up to 8 hours. As a result, a nutritious lunch is important for the student to stay focused.
Monday 16.9. mother tongue and literature (Finnish and Swedish), literacy exam
Wednesday 18.9. religion, ethics, social studies, chemistry, geography, health education
Friday 20.9. foreign language (long syllabus), English, French, Spanish, German, Russian
Monday 23.9. second domestic language, advanced and intermediate syllabus
Tuesday 24.9. psychology, philosophy, history, physics, biology
Thursday 26.9. mathematics, long and short syllabus
Friday 27.9. mother tongue and literature (Finnish and Swedish), literacy exam, Finnish as the second language and literature exam
Monday 30.9. foreign language (short syllabus), English, French, Spanish, German, Russian, Italian, Portugese, Latin, Sami
Wednesday 2.10. mother tongue and literature exam (Sami)
For more information on matriculation examinations, their schedules, and preparing for them, go to Vantaa high schools websiteand the Matriculation Examination Board's website.