Government of Romania

03/20/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 03/20/2023 09:39

Romanian Capital is invited to be part of the Business Advisory Group of the Global Gateway Program

The Government of Romania is taking steps for the most active presence of Romanian entrepreneurs in the European Global Gateway Program designed to stimulate smart, clean, and safe connections in the digital, climate, energy, and transport sectors and strengthen the education, research, and health systems worldwide.

"We need Romanian voices to represent the interests of the business sector at the European and global level, and now we have an extra chance. Romania and Romanian entrepreneurs can be better represented at the European level through the new Business Advisory Group's instrument of the Global Gateway program, which will have the role of proposing infrastructure investments as part of the European Union's global strategy to establish economic partnerships. The Global Gateway's budget, of approximately 300 billion euros, will be managed by the European Commission in partnership with the European Investment Bank and aims to, through European companies, lay the foundations for sustainable projects worldwide, that have a real impact and contribute to raising living standards for less developed countries. Therefore, I invite the Romanian capital to join the Business Advisory Group", stated George Agafiței, State advisor and National Coordinator of the Global Gateway Program.

To support the full mobilization of the private sector and maximize the impact and effectiveness of Global Gateway investments, an informal Commission expert group called the Global Gateway Business Advisory Group is being established. Through this group of experts, Global Gateway's strategy will benefit from the business perspective for its planning and implementation.

The group's mission will be to assist the Commission in strengthening cooperation on the Global Gateway strategy and implementation with the European private sector in a structured way.

The group will provide a platform to discuss and collect feedback on Global Gateway's strategic directions. It will collect input from private sector representatives on their priorities, activities, challenges, and opportunities in the sectors and regions covered by the Global Gateway and discuss the implementation of the strategy.

The commission requests applications for the selection of group members. The group will consist of up to 60 members and up to 10 observers.

Members will be EU private sector organizations based in the European Union and under EU regulation. Organizations will include companies of all sizes. EU business and trade associations, as well as business networks established in the EU, can also apply for membership.

European financial institutions such as the European Investment Bank or the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development can be granted observer status by direct invitation.

The members of the group are appointed by the directors-general of the Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) and the Directorate-General for Neighborhood and Enlargement Negotiations (DG NEAR), after consulting the associated services of the Commission, from among candidates with competencies in the fields mentioned in the applications and that responded to the application for nominations.

Signed applications must be sent by Thursday, 20 April 2023, at 2:00 pm, at the latest, to the e-mail address: [email protected].

Selection criteria, the procedure for submitting candidates, and further information are available here:

Additional Information:

On December 1, 2021, the European Commission and the High Representative of the Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy presented the Joint Communication on the Global Gateway Programme.

Part of Team Europe's approach, Global Gateway intends to boost smart, clean, and secure connections in the digital, climate, energy, and transport sectors and strengthen education, research, and health systems around the world.