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Comm Ave Runway: May Edition

Comm Ave Runway: May Edition

Our monthly fashion series finds stylish students and asks them how they achieve their look


Comm Ave Runway: May Edition

Our monthly fashion series finds stylish students and asks them how they achieve their look

May 6, 2024

With the semester coming to a close, summer and its breezy fashions are approaching in full force. Comm Ave is bustling with Terriers who are ready for the warm weather and dressing to impress.

Karnyn Shreeve (CAS'24)

Tell us about your outfit. Where did you get each piece?

I got this [top] from Francesca's. I got these [cargo pants] from either TJ Maxx or Marshalls. My earrings are from Amazon.

How would you describe your fashion sense in a few words?

It depends on the day. Sometimes I like to dress more femme, sometimes I like to dress more masc. It's really however I'm feeling. Sometimes I prefer a gym fit, and sometimes I like to do stuff like this.

Your favorite places to shop?

I really like Urban Outfitters. I like Francesca's, Aerie. I feel like I haven't gone clothes shopping in so long. Sometimes Brandy [Mellville], but I don't really love their morals, so I try to stay away from there.

What are your fashion influences?

My little sister, I really like her style. I think she's cooler than me, and I aspire to be like her.

Your advice for students who want to look great on a budget?

Definitely thrifting, TJ Maxx, and Marshalls. I feel like I never expect to find good things there, and then I do and they're usually not too expensive. I only ever go to the Urban [Outfitters] sale section, otherwise it's so expensive. Sometimes you can find a good steal, and sometimes they have 50 percent off the sale [price], which is amazing.

Kritika Ayer (CAS'24)

Tell us about your outfit. Where did you get each piece?

My button-up top is from my friend, because I usually trade clothes with my friends a lot. My yellow pants are from the Urban Outfitters sales rack. And the vest is from a vintage store back home in Iowa.

How would you describe your fashion sense in a few words?

"Scholarly." I've been told that. Scholarly, eclectic, and "baddie."

Your favorite places to shop?

I would say Urban. Of what I actually can buy and what I love to scour, I would say Urban is closer to the high-price stuff I can afford. Otherwise, it's just thrifting and vintage stores, really. And TJ Maxx.

What are your fashion influences?

I like 90s stuff. A lot of my friends say, "Oh, you really embody Rachel Green [from Friends] sometimes." So 90s. But also being Indian, I have to wear color or I get sad. I take inspiration from my mom and a lot of her Indian outfits for color palettes.

Your advice for students who want to look great on a budget?

I don't want to say thrifting because I do think thrifting culture is kind of bad. But, thrifting can be good. Also, I would say, buy with intention. Don't buy things because you think "people" would wear them. Buy what you would wear and then you'll keep pieces for a long time.

Hannah Roderick (CFA'24)

Tell us about your outfit. Where did you get each piece?

This was my outfit for my BFA thesis show so I splurged a little. Pants and top: Free People. Flower [necklace]: Amazon. And I did my makeup to match.

How would you describe your fashion sense in a few words?

I would describe it as a little more trendy, but colorful. Kind of boyish, I guess.

Your favorite places to shop?

Free People when I can afford it, which is not very often. I usually go to Urban, but I usually thrift a lot. Not here, though. I go more at home.

What are your fashion influences?

There's this girl named Adrienne [check out her Instagram]. She is like my passion god. I love her so much. She's so out there. I keep up with the trends, but I love looking to her for inspiration. But I'm also on a budget.

Your advice for students who want to look great on a budget?

If you have the skills or the materials to make your own clothes, it's really fun and really nice. You can upcycle a lot of stuff that looks a little boring into stuff that's really, really sick.

Kal Hawley (COM'27)

Tell us about your outfit. Where did you get each piece?

I actually remember where I got all my pieces. I've actually worn this [outfit] a lot except for the jacket, which I got about two days ago from a friend. I got this tiny collar pin at a vintage store in Portland, Oreg, from a very cute place. It's like 25 minutes from my house. I love going back every weekend. I got this white button-up and this vest from my sister as a Christmas present. I think she thrifted them somewhere, but I don't remember. I got these pants from Old Navy, clearance for $1.90. This jacket is from the CGSA's Gender-Affirming Room for Belonging here at BU. I got these shoes at Converse.

How would you describe your fashion sense in a few words?

I think for me a big part of my fashion sense is just, how do I feel today? I love pastels. I love really dramatic dark colors. I think a lot of it for me is just what makes me feel good. I tried to think, okay, what's my statement piece? A lot of times it's the top piece. Like this statement piece is the vest. I have a lot of corsets, so often it's the corset that's the statement piece.

Your favorite places to shop?

I get most of my corsets from LaceMade. I think they're really great. They employ a lot of women. I just really like their business model. I feel good supporting them. I thrift a lot so Goodwill is my best friend. I also go to the [Center for Career Development's] Professional Clothing Closet. I go there a lot. Honestly, I get a lot of my stuff gifted to me.

What are your fashion influences?

I'm super inspired by, not quite Harajuku style, but definitely a lot of Asian passion. I have a lot of pieces like Japanese michiyuki, which I wear in a modern style with Western clothing. I have qipao [a traditional Chinese dress] that I pair with slacks. I really like the combination of traditional clothing, especially traditional Asian clothing, with more modern formal wear.

Your advice for students who want to look great on a budget?

Sometimes, I'll buy something and then be like, I don't know if I'll ever wear this. I'd say try to wear that piece with an outfit you know you really like. Pair it with that. Wear it out once and see how you feel, because I find that wearing it in your room is so different from wearing it outside. And after that first hour you kind of forget how nervous you are.

Also, be aware that especially on Comm Ave, the likelihood of you seeing a person twice is so low. I've made friends [with] people who are like, "Oh, I've seen you on the street. I recognize you." And then we just get talking. It can be a conversation starter and I like to think of it like that.

Alexis Flores (CAS'25)

Tell us about your outfit. Where did you get each piece?

I think I thrifted the dress. My mom loves going shopping, so she just buys some things and says, "I think this will look cute on you." The shoes are Converse, and I got my jewelry from Pandora.

How would you describe your fashion sense in a few words?

I like to keep it simple.

Your favorite places to shop?

I don't really have any, but I thrift a lot.

What are your fashion influences?

I'm so out of it. Honestly, I just wear whatever I think looks good on me. I don't really keep up with trends, I just try to find pieces that make me feel confident.

Your advice for students who want to look great on a budget?

Definitely thrifting. It's a really big thing nowadays, and is definitely a really good place to search. Also [hit up] stores like Ross.

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Comm Ave Runway: May Edition

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