04/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/24/2024 06:56

Coupon Payment

Coupon Payment

24.04.2024 13:14:23 (local time)

Company: IT Soft EAD-Sofia (1BKA)
The calculation of interest accrued on the bond issue of IT Soft EAD (1BKA), ISIN BG2100019178, shall be discontinued as of 25 April 2024.
Upon entering a clean price of 100% per bond, the "dirty" price shall equal BGN 892.85714. The reason is a notification of a delay in coupon and amortisation payments due on 24 April 2024, available on the financial website X3News.
For further information, contact the BSE Trade Administration Department at +359 2 9370944 or +359 2 9370942.