City of Watsonville, CA

04/24/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/24/2024 12:04

City Council Votes to Appoint Tamara Vides as Interim City Manager

The City Council has recommended that Tamara Vides serve as the Interim City Manager following City Manager René Mendez's departure next month and until a permanent replacement can be found. The Council voted to appoint her during last night's City Council meeting.

Vides currently serves as our City's Assistant City Manager and was previously appointed Interim City Manager in 2021. She has dedicated nearly 25 years to the City of Watsonville, holding different positions in the City Manager's Office for the past 12 years, including Deputy City Manager in 2018 and Assistant City Manager since October 2020.

"Tamara Vides has been recommended by the City Council to assume the role of Interim City Manager, bringing her extensive experience and long-standing dedication to the City of Watsonville during this transitional period," said Watsonville Mayor Vanessa Quiroz-Carter.

The City will be contracting an executive search firm to manage the recruitment and selection of a new City Manager. The process of filling the position permanently is expected to take a few months.

El Concilio Municipal ha recomendado que Tamara Vides se desempeñe como Administradora Municipal Interina tras la partida del Administrador Municipal René Méndez el próximo mes y hasta que se pueda encontrar un reemplazo permanente. El Concilio votó a favor de nombrarla durante la junta del Concilio Municipal anoche.

Vides actualmente se desempeña como Subadministradora Municipal de nuestra Ciudad y anteriormente fue nombrada Administradora Municipal Interina en 2021. Ha dedicado casi 25 años a la Ciudad de Watsonville, ocupando diferentes puestos en la Oficina del Administrador Municipal durante los últimos 12 años, incluyendo Administradora Adjunta de la Ciudad en 2018 y Subadministradora Municipal desde octubre de 2020.

"El Concilio Municipal ha recomendado a Tamara Vides para asumir el rol de Administradora Municipal Interina, aportando su amplia experiencia y dedicación de larga data a la Ciudad de Watsonville durante este período de transición", dijo la Alcaldesa de Watsonville, Vanessa Quiroz-Carter.

La Ciudad contratará una empresa de búsqueda de ejecutivos para gestionar el reclutamiento y selección de un nuevo Administrador Municipal. Se espera que el proceso para cubrir el puesto de forma permanente demore algunos meses.