1Life Healthcare Inc.

04/08/2021 | News release | Distributed by Public on 04/08/2021 12:57

6 Stretches to Combat Repetitive Stress

Updated December 21, 2018.

More than ever, we are becoming increasingly dependent on computers and cell phones to work, communicate, and gather information. Having a surplus of information at our fingertips is pretty impressive. However, the long hours of using our fingers to be constantly connected can be detrimental to our hands and wrists.

Long-term repetitive movement and improper alignment of the wrists and fingers can compress the median nerve, which may lead to carpal tunnel syndrome or other hand and wrist problems. Symptoms associated with carpal tunnel syndrome range from tingling, pain, and, occasionally, weakness in the thumb, index, middle, and ring fingers. If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night with tingling or numbness in your hands or forearms, you could be experiencing the side effects of carpal tunnel syndrome. You may find relief from wearing a wrist splint (found easily at most drugstores) at night that supports the wrist in a neutral position while relieving pressure on the median nerve. Symptoms may come and go or become persistent over time. If you suspect that you might have carpal tunnel syndrome, ask your health care provider about getting tested.

Beyond carpal tunnel syndrome, there are a number of hand and wrist health issues associated with the overuse of typing, writing, texting, and driving. Here are six simple stretches to prevent and alleviate some of the painful symptoms associated with repetitive stress injuries to hands and wrists. These exercises are intended to strengthen and stretch your wrists, forearms, fingers, and shoulders. Please honor your flexibility and if any stretch causes too much discomfort, stop, and make adjustments.