Arch Resources Inc.

07/27/2021 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 07/27/2021 04:40

Q2 2021 Financial Schedules


2Q21 1Q21 4Q14 1Q14 2Q20
Tons sold (in millions) 2.0 1.7 3.6 3.6 1.5 18% ERROR:#REF!
Coking 1.8 1.5 1.3 20% ERROR:#REF!
Thermal 0.2 0.2 0.2 0% ERROR:#REF!
Coal sales per ton sold $89.71 $83.76 $69.27 $67.70 $76.17 7% ERROR:#REF!
Coking $96.03 $93.14 $84.26 3% ERROR:#REF!
Thermal $23.43 $22.13 $18.12 6% ERROR:#REF!
Cash cost per ton sold $59.37 $59.63 $59.37 $65.48 $61.95 -0% ERROR:#REF!
Cash margin per ton $30.34 $24.13 $9.90 $2.22 $14.22 26% ERROR:#REF!
Total operating cost per ton $60.68 $73.48 $80.80 $60.68
Operating margin per ton $4.93 ($4.21) ($13.10) $4.93
Coal sales per ton sold and cash cost per ton sold are defined and reconciled under "Reconciliation of non-GAAP measures."
Mining complexes included in this segment are Beckley, Leer, Mountain Laurel and Leer South/Sentinel.


2Q21 1Q21 4Q14 1Q14 2Q20
Tons sold (in millions) 15.2 12.3 29.3 25.7 11.6
Coal sales per ton sold $13.50 $13.16 $12.86 $12.73 $13.87
Cash cost per ton sold $10.88 $12.18 $10.81 $11.45 $14.86
Cash margin per ton $2.62 $0.98 $2.05 $1.28 ($0.99)
Total operating cost per ton $10.56 $12.32 $12.98 $10.56
Operating margin per ton $1.85 $0.54 ($0.25) $1.85
Coal sales per ton sold and cash cost per ton sold are defined and reconciled under "Reconciliation of non-GAAP measures."
Mining complexes included in this segment are Black Thunder, Coal Creek and West Elk.


2018 2021
Tons $ per ton Tons $ per ton
Sales Volume (in millions of tons)
Coking 7.4 - 8.2
Thermal 55.0 - 59.0
Total 62.4 67.2
Metallurgical (in millions of tons)
Committed, Priced
Committed, Unpriced Thermal
Committed, Priced Coking North American 0.5 $105.00 1.8 $90.79
Committed, Unpriced Coking North American -
Committed, Priced Coking Seaborne 3.1 $97.00
Committed, Unpriced Coking Seaborne 2.4 2.0
Total Committed Coking 2.9 7.1
Committed, Priced Thermal Byproduct 0.4 $30.45 0.7 $21.98
Committed, Unpriced Thermal Byproduct - 0.2
Total Committed Thermal Byproduct 0.4 0.9
Average Metallurgical Cash Cost $57.00 - $60.00
Thermal (in millions of tons)
Committed, Priced 47.5 $12.05 56.6 $13.39
Committed, Unpriced 2.8 1.2
Total Committed Thermal 50.3 57.8
Average Thermal Cash Cost $11.50 - $12.00
Committed, Priced Thermal
Committed, Unpriced Thermal
Committed, Priced Metallurgical
Committed, Unpriced Metallurgical
Total Committed
Average Cash Cost
Corporate (in $ millions)
D,D&A $118.0 - $122.0
ARO Accretion $18.0 - $20.0
S,G&A - cash $62.0 - $70.0
S,G&A - non-cash $13.0 - $17.0
Net Interest Expense $24.0 - $26.0
Capital Expenditures $210.0 - $230.0
Tax Provision (%) Approximately 0%