Arnoldo Mondadori Editore S.p.A.

01/10/2025 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 01/10/2025 04:16

Mondadori Group: 100% stake in A.L.I. – Agenzia Libraria International

The Mondadori Group announces the conclusion today, through its subsidiary Mondadori Libri S.p.A., of the acquisition of a further 25% stake in A.L.I. S.r.l. - Agenzia Libraria International, a company operating in the distribution of books.
As a result of this operation, Mondadori Libri S.p.A. has now brought its stake in the company to 100%, from the former 75%.

The increase in the A.L.I. stake comes following the exercise of the call option set forth in the contract signed and announced on 11 May 2022, at the time of the acquisition of an initial 50% stake in the share capital, which envisaged the right, for Mondadori Libri, to acquire the remaining 50%. This is thanks to a deferred purchase commitment and a put & call agreement, each accounting for 25% of the A.L.I. S.r.l. capital; the former was implemented and disclosed in January 2023.

The provisional price, paid today in cash, is € 12.2 million, determined on the basis of the average 2023-2024 EBITDA as well as the positive net financial position (cash) of the scope covered by the transaction, which at 31 December 2024 amounted to € 27 million. This provisional price may be adjusted following the approval of the financial statements as at 31 December 2024.