City of Carlsbad, CA

09/26/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/26/2022 17:21

New pedestrian signal to be activated at Tamarack and Valley

Walkers, bicyclists and drivers will soon get a chance to try out a new type of traffic signal at the corner of Tamarack Avenue and Valley Street, which, along with other changes to the intersection, will make it easier to notice when someone is crossing the street.

This type of "pedestrian signal" has already been installed elsewhere in the county, but this is the first one in Carlsbad.

In addition to the new signal, the city extended the curbs on the west side of the intersection, which encourages drivers to slow down more when making turns and shortens the distance to walk across Tamarack Avenue.

How the new signal works
The new signal, officially called a pedestrian hybrid beacon, will stop road traffic when a pedestrian presses the button. It operates differently than a regular traffic signal or the flashing light beacon that was at the Tamarack and Valley intersection before.

Once the signal is activated by the pedestrian button, drivers will see a series of lights that direct a driver to slow down and then stop. Pedestrians will follow similar operations that they would see at a regular traffic signal to cross the street.

Why this type of signal was chosen
This intersection is used by students and their families going to and from three schools in the neighborhood. This brings higher volumes of traffic - walking, biking and cars - twice a day, Monday through Friday. At other times, traffic patterns are more similar to nearby streets.

A hybrid signal offers more traffic control for the busy times without interfering with the regular flow of traffic during non-peak times. This is because the lights only come on when a pedestrian is waiting to cross.

Safer Streets Together
Although this project was started before the city declared a local emergency on traffic safety, engineering solutions are part of the city's overall approach to traffic safety. The other two components are education and enforcement.

More information
Project website
Safer Streets Together

Staff contact
City Engineer, John Kim, [email protected]