California Department of Food & Agriculture

01/23/2025 | News release | Distributed by Public on 01/23/2025 10:29

CDFA wants to hear from you: Climate Strategy Resilience Sessions scheduled for next month


CDFA is hosting public listening sessions February 6th and 7th to gather input on the development of a Climate Resilience Strategy for California Agriculture.

CDFA's vision document, California Ag Vision for 2030, establishes five key priorities for California agriculture to achieve success over the next decade. This Resilience Strategy has been created in response to priority #1, to "foster climate-smart, resilient, and regenerative food systems."

Climate change is driving a myriad of challenges for our food system, including increased pest pressure; stress on crops, animals, and people; less water availability; soil, water, and air quality degradation; and higher energy demand. The Climate Resilience Strategy for California Agriculture will lay out these challenges, identify state actions to address them, and provide direction for future actions. CDFA is looking for guidance from the agriculture community. Input provided in these sessions will be incorporated into a draft Resilience Strategy to be released for public comment in Summer 2025.

Listening sessions will be held virtually over the course of two days. Please register by clicking on the day and time below.

Thursday, February 6th from 11:30 a.m. PT - 1 p.m. PT

Thursday, February 6th from 5:00 p.m. PT - 6:30 .pm. PT

Friday, February 7th from 9 am PT to 10:30 a.m. PT

If you are unable to attend, or wish to also submit written feedback, a comment card will be open for written input from Thursday, February 6 to Thursday, February 27th. You may access the comment card from the Resilience Strategy website: CDFA - Climate Resilience Strategy for California Agriculture

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