Homesteaders Life Company

05/18/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 05/18/2023 08:05

5 Ways to Show Appreciation for Funeral Home...

5 Ways to Show Appreciation for Funeral Home Client Families

As a funeral professional, you have the privilege and responsibility of helping families navigate what is most likely the most difficult time in their lives. While you are primarily focused on providing them with quality funeral services, it is important to remember to show appreciation to your client families in every stage of the process and throughout your interactions with them.

We are celebrating our customers (that's you) May 19, 2023, for Customer Appreciation Day. We invite you to pay it forward to your own customers and help them feel appreciated. Here are different ways you can show appreciation immediately or throughout the year:

1. Send Them a Personalized Note

This might be the easiest and most effective way you can show your appreciation. Write a note or send a card to your client families thanking them for choosing you to provide their services. This card might be a welcomed break from their usual grief-related correspondence regarding their lost loved one. Instead, you are simply thanking them for making the decision to work with you.

2. Personalize Your Services

There are many ways to make each funeral service unique and memorable. Ask families to talk about their loved ones and listen for ways you can make a service deeply personal. Review our list of questions you could ask to spur creativity. There are even low-cost or free ways you can make a service unique, including digital memorial options. It is even free to set up a memorial fund with Treasured Memories Community Funding.

By creating a personalized service that honors the life of their loved one, you demonstrate that you truly care about their family and their loved one's legacy.

3. Provide Aftercare Support

After the funeral service is complete, it's important to follow up with your client families to offer additional support and express your condolences. Send a sympathy card or call to check in and see how they are doing. Aftercare support can take many forms, including grief counseling, bereavement support groups or resources for coping with loss. By providing these additional services, you show that you understand the challenges and emotions that come with grief and loss and are committed to supporting your families throughout their healing journey.

We have many ideas for aftercare support, including holiday events, video messages or support groups. Our text-based aftercare solution has brought great success to many clients and improved their Google reviews. Read about three success stories from real funeral homes that have used text-based aftercare.

4. Ask for Feedback

Remember, feedback is a gift. It is not always comfortable to receive feedback, but it can do amazing things for your business and your relationship with your client families.

Feedback is free, and it can help you identify areas of improvement. Asking for that feedback shows your client families that you value their opinions and are committed to providing the best possible service to all families. This is a demonstration of your appreciation for them and generally makes them feel heard.

5. Show Empathy

Empathy is the most important skill you will want to use or strengthen. Your compassionate demeanor can make a tremendously challenging time easier for a family needing guidance about what to do next. Be attentive and listen carefully to their needs and concerns. Remind them you are there for them and committed to helping them complete a meaningful tribute. Finally, be open and inclusive to all individuals. Explore a few tips for planning meaningful services for religious "nones."

There are simple things you can do to show empathy and build a relationship with a client family. Observe your own communication style, including your physical posture. Respond promptly and consistently to your families.

Implementing any of these demonstrations of appreciation can help you build or strengthen your relationships with your families. In the long run, this will establish your credibility and legacy of care and support within your community.

How do you show appreciation for your funeral home's client families? Share your ideas in the comments.