City of Sharonville, OH

06/10/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 06/09/2023 22:14

Natural Gas Aggregation Program Update

The City of Sharonville has extended its contract with IGS Energy and secured a fixed price of 52.4 cents per ccf for natural gas supply for the program term of July 2023 - June 2024. Opt-out materials will be mailed to eligible residents and small businesses between June 12 and July 15, depending on your meter read date. As always, look for the City of Sharonville's logo on the material to be sure it is the official program.

If you want to participate in the program, you do not need to do anything. You will be automatically enrolled. If you do not want to participate, you must Opt-out either by calling IGS directly at 1-877-353-0162 or returning the Opt-out form included prior to the stated deadline.

If you are currently being served by an alternate supplier or participating in Duke's Percentage of Income Payment Plan (PIPP), you are not considered eligible for the Opt-out program and will not receive the materials. You can choose to Opt-in, but please contact your current supplier first to be sure you understand the terms of your contract and the potential of any penalty or termination fees.