SFIF - Swedish Forest Industries Federation

04/26/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/26/2024 04:20

PPWR: “Our industry is ready to contribute”

Photo: Mostphotos

On April 24th, the EU Parliament gave its consent to the trilogue agreement on the Packaging and Packaging Waste Regulations (PPWR) which aims to reduce the environmental impact of packaging in the context of its ambition to reach net zero carbon emissions by 2050.

"This extensive legislation will be a catalyst for the whole packaging value chain, and our industry is ready to contribute to achieve its objectives. We therefore support an adoption of the PPWR's agreement without delay", says Viveka Beckeman, Director General of Swedish Forest Industries.

The final step in the legislative process is consent from EU Council, which is expected in autumn and shortly thereafter, the final text is expected to be published in the OJEU.

"The development of delegated acts will play a crucial role in the implementation if the PPWR, and it will be necessary to gather adequate representation from industry and national authorities to make the most of all relevant knowledge", says Kai-Yee Thim, Director of Product Policy at Swedish Forest Industries.