City of Portland, OR

06/30/2022 | News release | Archived content

PAC - May 2022 Recap

News Article
June 30, 2022 9:00 am

June 2022
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Dear Portlanders,
The Police Accountability Commission continued its Fact-Finding Phase of work in May, holding its first work session with two parts of the current police accountability system (Independent Police Review and the Citizen Review Committee) and hosting a briefing from Ted Wheeler, Mayor of Portland and Police Commissioner.

You can learn more about the Police Accountability Commission at

May Summary
In May, the Police Accountability Commission held four meetings. The first two, on May 16 and 19, were held to conclude conversations on internal processes, including the adoption of an Internal Processes document to clarify procedures for commission communications and decisions.

On May 23, the PAC held a Work Session including briefings from Independent Police Review and the Citizen Review Committee. The May 26 meeting included a briefing from Mayor Ted Wheeler, who is also the Commissioner-in-Charge of the Portland Police Bureau. Collectively, these briefings represent the PAC meeting and hearing from many of the key individuals and groups in the current system of administrative accountability for police.

Next Steps
The PAC approved an Agenda and Scope document at the end of the Organizational Phase of work in March, which included a commitment to hold several briefings in the Fact-Finding Phase of work (which the commission is now in and which will extend into August). These briefings include from the parts of the current system (including the police bureau itself), from remaining members of City Council, from the City Attorney's Office, and from the amicus to the USDOJ v. City of Portland settlement agreement (the Portland Police Association, the Mental Health Alliance, and the Albina Ministerial Alliance Coalition for Justice and Police Reform).

The most accurate meeting calendar is at the Commission's website:
Full Event Calendar

Get Involved!
The PAC website now includes a page with more information on how to get involved in the commission's work, including how to watch meetings, give public comment during meetings, and give written public comment to the PAC as well. Written public comment is circulated to the commission in advance of each meeting.

Thank you!