Orkney Islands Council

05/14/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/14/2024 04:43

Changing lives thanks to The Learning Link and ‘Multiply’ numeracy programme

Robert Brown's life had taken a turn for the worse - and he knew he had to do something to get back on theright path. He just wasn'tsure how.

That'suntil he heard about the Council's Community Learning Development & Employability (CLDE) dedicated adult learning centre, The Learning Link, in Kirkwall.

Although asking for helpwas far from easy, Robert says its thanks to the teamthere that he'snow back on track and loving learning,andliving,again.

"I'vehad mental health struggles and was heading down adarkpath, getting in trouble and that just wasn'tme. I wanted to go to college but didn'tknow the steps and I knew I would have to brush up on my Maths and English.

"The Blide Trust put me in touch with The LearningLink and that'swhen I met ChrissieMatthews (Senior Adult Learning Support). I was a nervous wreck,but she was able to put me at ease. The tutors become more like friends than teachers and theytailor everythingtosuityour needs.They have been a great support to me,and I have learned to trust them- something that was an issue for me with people.

"Chrissie discovered I was dyslexic. I knew I was struggling but now we have developed ways around this and found new ways to solve a problem."

Robert,38, from Kirkwall has alreadycompleted his NAT 3 in Maths and will be starting NAT 4 soon.His thirst for learning hasn'tstopped there, asheis working towards his NAT 3 and 4 in English.

"It felt like an amazing accomplishment gaining a qualification and has given me the confidence to carry on doingmore. Iwill be starting a COSCAcourse around person-centred counselling and psychotherapy at the college in August or September withthe end goalto become a counsellor working with children and young people with mental health issues."

Robert said if it wasn'tfor The Learning Link he wouldn'thaveknownwhere to start, andhe would urge other adults to take that first step and get in touch.

"The Learning Link brings you routine and I badly neededthat in my life. They make you feel comfortable and safe- it has been life-changing for me."

Robertis one of around 70 peoplein Orkney to have benefitedfrom the Multiply programmeduring its first year, improvingtheir numeracy skills with some of them gaining a qualification and moving on to college to a higher level.

TheLearningLinkreceived £306,379 from the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund for the delivery of the three-year programme.

The Learning Link are marking the anniversary - alongside National Numeracy Day - with an event at Orkney Library & Archive in Kirkwall on Wednesday 22 May and they would encourage anyone who feels they need some support with numeracy to pop along.

Kate Wilden, Adult Learning Support Worker with The Learning Link, said: "It may surprise some people to know that 49% of the UK's working age population have the expected numeracy level of a primary school child.

"Unfortunately, this can make people more vulnerable to debt, unemployment, poor healthand fraud.

"But we are here to help, and over the past year have been able to offer additionalfree numeracy courses as part of the Multiply programme.This, in turn, is helping improve people's lives.

"If you struggle with numeracy tasks in everyday life or would like to feel more confident and comfortable helping children with homework or feel improving your numeracy level would improve your skills and confidence at work or help you to gain employment, then we would like to hear from you.

"In addition, we wouldalso encourage folk to come along to the Libraryif they want to gain a numeracy qualification but are unsure where to start. Staff from The Learning Link will be on hand from 11am-2pm on Wednesday 22 May in the Libraryfoyer.

"Folk will be able to take the National Numeracy Challenge and find out more information about what support is available.

"If you can't make it in person, you can take the challenge in your own time by visiting: www.nationalnumeracy.org.uk/challenge/llo."

There'salso a free prize draw.

The Learning Link, which has been operatingfor over 20 years, has provided thousands of hours of learning time to hundreds of learners.

Kate said: "The investment continues to enhance and extend the services already provided at The Learning Link and enable staff to support a greater number of adult learners than ever before."

Contact The Learning Link on Tel: (01856) 879200.