FERC - Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

08/02/2021 | News release | Archived content

FERC Chairman Glick Names Salerno to Leadership Role

Federal Energy Regulatory Commission Chairman Richard Glick today named Elizabeth Salerno as Lead on Transmission and Technology Initiatives.

'Changing the way we build transmission infrastructure and eliminating barriers to emerging technologies are my top priorities and will involve a lot of moving pieces.' Chairman Glick said. 'Liz will play a crucial role in leading and coordinating our internal efforts to advance these priorities.'

Salerno has more than 15 years of public, private and non-profit sector experience in energy market policy and analysis. Prior to being named Lead, Transmission and Technology Initiatives, she served as a Technical Advisor to Chairman Glick. She joined then-Commissioner Glick's office in 2018.

Before joining the Commission, Salerno worked at Siemens-Gamesa as the Head of Strategy for the wind turbine service group holding additional roles in the wind turbine equipment and gas service groups with Siemens. Prior to that she worked at the American Wind Energy Association as the vice president of Industry Data and Analysis.
