09/12/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/12/2024 03:10
A report summarising the findings of a study on how police forces in England Wales use Out of Court Disposals (OOCDs) to support adults with health-related vulnerabilities.
PDF, 2.34 MB, 150 pages
PDF, 303 KB, 13 pages
The Ministry of Justice commissioned RAND Europe in partnership with Get the Data and Skills for Justice to study how Police in England and Wales use OOCDs to support adults with health-related vulnerabilities. The Report is intended to be useful and relevant for frontline and operational police officers, service providers and policy stakeholders to support the development and implementation of force-level approaches and frontline operational approaches to the use of OOCDs. The goals of the study were to provide an overview of how different police forces use OOCDs; to improve the use of OOCDs with conditions attached that address mental health and other health-related vulnerabilities; and to produce the foundations of practice change and to improve the data collection methods to monitor their use and enable potential further research in the future to explore their effectiveness.