Warrumbungle Shire Council

09/25/2023 | News release | Distributed by Public on 09/24/2023 23:46

Wastewater Treatment Plant, Dunedoo

Works are underway to rectify odour issues at the Wastewater Treatment Plant in Dunedoo to decrease the impacts on the community.

"Unfortunately, the Dunedoo community has been experiencing odour issues that have been produced from the Dunedoo Wastewater Treatment Plant," said Warrumbungle Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Ambrose Doolan. "Council staff have been working to resolve the problems, but with the age of the facility it is not an easy or quick fix."

In December 2022, a major mechanical process unit that is used to treat sewerage at the Dunedoo Wastewater Treatment Plant experienced a major mechanical failure. This breakdown has resulted in odours being produced by the Dunedoo Wastewater Treatment Plant, and had a flow on effect to other functions at the Treatment Plant. This unit has been removed and an interim unit has been installed to continue to treat wastewater.

Council has been consulting with industry specialists along with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA) and NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) to implement recommended actions to best manage the odour from the plant.

"The mechanical aeration unit is being returned to service, which is expected to largely improve operations at the Treatment Plant," Cr Doolan explained.

"Unfortunately, the Treatment Plant is aging and Council has been working to upgrade it. To minimise any financial impact this may have on residents, Council has secured funding to do these upgrades."

These upgrades are being completed to improve the quality of wastewater produced by the plant as well as improve overall operations at the Dunedoo Wastewater Treatment Plant. These works will be delivered over the next three years, with the most critical works to combat the odour issues being delivered first as the highest priority.

Tenders for the first of the upgrades are being called in November 2023.

"Thank you to the residents of Dunedoo for your understanding a cooperation with Council during this time," Cr Doolan concluded.

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Last Updated: 25 Sep 2023