eBay Inc.

07/22/2021 | Press release | Archived content

When I click X, that means I don't want to see the banner again. Not today. Not tomorrow. Not ever.

I will definitely not be switching browsers to manage my selling account and I shouldn't have to. I don't know if the issue occurs with other browsers or not.

Understood -- I was not actually suggesting switching browsers over a banner issue.

There are some popups that just cannot be dismissed using Safari for some reason; if you open the same page in Firefox and dismiss the same popup, it goes away completely and forever. At that point you can go back to Safari and the popup is gone. That was what I had in mind, though it sounds like the banner you are seeing is not that sort of popup, since it comes back each time.

Many little annoyances, repeated over time, can add up to a major annoyance. Like a little stream wearing a channel through sandstone. Next thing you know... 'Who put this Grand Canyon here?'

There was a large blue banner on the old 'All Lists' page that took up the top third of the page. The banner was an ad for the 'Collections' feature and the banner far outlasted the lifetime of the actual feature. When I finally figured out how to block the banner using an ad blocker, I regained a huge chunk of screen real estate. Soon I was able to find many other such annoyances on other pages, and simply banish them forever with a few clicks of the mouse. Don't like the large photo headers on the community pages? Gone. Flyover menus that snag the cursor every time you roll over? Gone. Useless sidebar items? Gone.

Take control over your own page layout. Getting rid of ads is only the beginning.