09/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/18/2024 13:23
Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECGB) Program, the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) awarded 17 communities $150,000 in grant funding totaling $2,550,000.
The EECBG Program is designed to assist states, local governments, and Tribes in implementing strategies to reduce energy use, reduce fossil fuels emissions, and improve energy efficiency. Approximately 60 percent of funding is being provided to disadvantaged communities.
GEFA selected a range of Blueprint models provided by the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE). Communities applied for a Blueprint of their interest. The Blueprint models designed by DOE aid communities in achieving high-impact results. For more information about the Blueprint models the communities selected, visit gefa.georgia.gov/EECBG.
Project and grant details:
City of Buena Vista
The city plans to conduct an energy audit at the city's resource center and purchase a fleet vehicle for the public works department (Blueprint # 2A: Energy Efficiency - Energy Audits and Building Upgrades and Blueprint #4A: Electric Vehicles for Fleets and Fleet Electrification).
City of Cedartown
The city plans to procure two fleet vehicles and elective vehicle charging stations (Blueprint #4A: Electric Vehicles for Fleets and Fleet Electrification).
Chatham County
The county plans to create an energy plan to address aging infrastructure, population and industrial growth, and rising energy costs(Blueprint #1: Energy Planning).
Colquitt County
The county plans to update damaged or faulty equipment that is leading to increased energy consumption in its buildings (Blueprint #2A: Energy Efficiency - Energy Audits and Building Upgrades).
City of Covington
The city plans to procure eight charging stations to add charging availability in high trafficked areas (Pursuing Blueprint# 4A: Electric Vehicles for Fleets and Fleet Electrification).
City of Fort Gaines
The city plans to conduct energy audits and building upgrades to city owned buildings. (Blueprint #2A: Energy Efficiency - Energy Audits and Building Upgrades).
Unified Government of Georgetown-Quitman County
The county plans to conduct energy audits and implement upgrades to several county buildings (Blueprint #2A: Energy Efficiency - Energy Audits and Building Upgrades).
City of Jackson
The city plans to procure three electric vehicle charging stations (Blueprint #4A: Electric Vehicles for Fleets and Fleet Electrification).
City of Lenox
The city plans to make upgrades to the Regional Education Service Agency building serving 12 districts. The city will also host energy efficiency trainings to support workforce development (Blueprint #2A: Energy Efficiency - Energy Audits and Building Upgrades).
Montgomery County
The county plans to conduct an energy audit and implement upgrades at the county courthouse (Blueprint #2A: Energy Efficiency - Energy Audits and Building Upgrades).
City of Moultrie
The city plans to update a faulty controls system in the municipal building causing high costs and discomfort (Blueprint #2A: Energy Efficiency - Energy Audits and Building Upgrades).
Randolph County
The county plans to conduct energy audits and implement upgrades at several county buildings (Blueprint #2A: Energy Efficiency - Energy Audits and Building Upgrades).
Schley County
The county plans to conduct an energy audit and implement upgrades to the county courthouse built in 1910 that is used for a various of governments activities and meetings (Blueprint #2A: Energy Efficiency - Energy Audits and Building Upgrades).
Stewart County
The county is planning to create an energy plan that will reduce energy usage and attract renewable energy companies (Blueprint #1: Energy Planning).
Taylor County
The county plans to conduct an energy audit and implement upgrades to a county annex building, which now used for various government activities and meetings (Blueprint #2A: Energy Efficiency - Energy Audits and Building Upgrades).
City of Tennille
The city plans to conduct a workforce needs assessment to design county wide targeted training and educational programs (Pursuing Blueprint #6: Workforce Development Community).
Unified Government of Webster County
The county plans to conduct energy audits and implement upgrades to community centers and government offices (Blueprint #2A: Energy Efficiency - Energy Audits and Building Upgrades).