NYU - New York University

10/29/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 10/29/2024 08:40

Rubin Hall's 13th Floor Is Back—Just in Time for Halloween

Rubin Hall in 1965.

Built in 1928, NYU's Rubin Hall originally skipped 13 in the numbering of its floors, in keeping with an architectural tradition tied to folk beliefs about 13 as a bad luck number. But after its recent passive house retrofit to make the residence hall climate-efficient and comfortable, Rubin reopened with an eye to the future and its 13th floor restored-and for good reason. A straightforward numbering system that matches the building's architectural plans makes it easier for firefighters and other first responders to find their way to the right place in an emergency.


Plus, not everybody thinks 13 is spooky. According to NYU Steinhardt's Jesse Bransford, an art professor and researcher on occult traditions, the number is actually considered good luck in some circles. No one knows for sure where triskaidekaphobia-or fear of 13-comes from, but he has some theories about the cultural roots of the spooky association. He shares them in the video above.