City of San Jose, CA

03/08/2024 | News release | Distributed by Public on 03/08/2024 14:38

How We ActivateSJ: Our PRNS Recreation Preschools Inspire a Love of Reading

How We ActivateSJ: Our PRNS Recreation Preschools Inspire a Love of Reading

San José Recreation Preschoolers Join Millions of Readers on Read Across America Day, the Nation's Largest Celebration of Literacy

*This is a special feature from the City of San José, Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services

Post Date:03/08/2024 12:00 PM
*This is a special feature from the City of San José, Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services
"Now he wasn't hungry anymore- and he wasn't a little caterpillar anymore."

Giggles break out across the classroom the moment guest reader Hal Spangenberg dons the iconic red and white striped hat, from "The Cat in the Hat".

As he flips through the rainbow pages of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", he asks the wide-eyed children questions about the book, and many hands shoot up.

It is clear to see the engagement and focus on the faces of the children, as they smile, frown, ponder, and ask questions.

From this moment forward, Spangenberg has the class's attention.

Read Across America Day has long been an important program for San José Parks, Recreation, and Neighborhood Services (PRNS). This year marks another successful day of readings at recreation preschools across San José and the United States.

"It is both a privilege and responsibility to run these programs" says San José Recreation Preschool program director Sharon Valenzuela, "we see it as an investment into the future of our young learners".

With classrooms painted a cheery yellow and sitting in an orderly row, and a nearby playground full of children as they chase each other playing tag and swinging from the monkey bars, the blacktop is still damp with morning dew. The morning fog hanging, just beginning to lift as the sun begins to emerge from the clouds.

Just as the playground teems with movement, so does the inside of the preschool classroom.

Inside, backpacks patterned with spaceships, unicorns, dinosaurs, and princesses hang on neat hooks short enough to be reached by little hands and jackets are in puffy heaps beside them.

Early Thursday morning the classroom is filled with excited chatter. Little Velcro shoes dance in place while waiting in line.

Students wear tiny colorful paper headbands with "I Love To Read" written across the front.

Recreation preschool students at Millbrook Elementary School were part of the millions of students who took part in Read Across America this year.

When Spangenberg entered the room, 20 pairs of eyes turn up from the reading rug and towards the door of the classroom.

This day is no typical day of school. Today is Read Across America Day, and more than 250 students in recreation preschools across San José are taking part. They join millions of other students across the United States, who will be reading the same book this morning in unison.

This morning guest readers including councilmembers, police officers, staff members from the mayor's office, and PRNS staff across San José trade the office for the reading rug, and official work documents - for the colorful pages of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar".

Programs like Read Across America, are featured in PRNS' recreation preschools.

Valenzuela's remarks on "investing the future" are well founded, as studies link early childhood exposure to reading out loud with future benefits. The American Association of Pediatrics names increased rates of future academic success, problem solving skills, and social skills as among the many benefits.

The children's giggles and laughter are telltale signs of their enjoyment and the fun taking place inside.

Engaging guest readers introduce students to the magic of reading, planting the seeds of future success with the next generation.

As he flips through the rainbow pages of "The Very Hungry Caterpillar", he asks students questions about the book, and many hands shoot up.

It is this exact engagement that PRNS recreation preschool programs facilitate.

Not only do programs like Read Across America provide crucial access to the resource of reading aloud, but they also inspire a love of reading.

Higher rates of literacy are beneficial to both individual student success and pave the way to immeasurable benefits to society.

And just like the Very Hungry Caterpillar, preschoolers will become "beautiful butterflies" with events like Read Across America planting the seeds (and cocoons) with the next generation.

If you would like to learn more about PRNS, please visit The ActivateSJ Strategic Plan is the City of San José's Department of Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services (PRNS) plan to maintain, improve and expand our facilities, programs, and services. The plan guides how we care for and develop a diverse park system and an abundance of recreation programs and services for all in San José.

ActivateSJ's mission is to connect people through parks, recreation, and neighborhood services for an active San José. To learn more about our department's plan and vision to move forward, visit
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