Luz Saúde SA

04/18/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 04/18/2024 05:49

Safer sport in Póvoa with Hospital da Luz

The initiative by Hospital da Luz will provide training in Basic Life Support to sports clubs of the district.

Sudden cardiorespiratory arrest is one of the major causes of death all over the world, but the victims' probability of survival is much higher when immediate Basic Life Support (BLS) manoeuvres are applied, which most people are not aware of. In this sense, Hospital da Luz Póvoa de Varzim will initiate, on April 24, the project "Safer sport": a cycle of training sessions in BLS in sports clubs and associations of the district.

The project is quite similar to the one being developed by Hospital da Luz in schools, since 2022 - "For a Safer School - Together, we will save lives!" -, which has already provided training in BLS to hundreds of students and educational actors in Póvoa de Varzim,Amaranteand Vila Nova de Cerveira (link). The goal of this new program is to raise awareness and encourage a culture of safety in the sports community.

"Safer sport" in Póvoa:

  • Is an initiative destined to trainers, athletes, and collaborators of sports clubs and associations operating in Póvoa de Varzim region, in the most varied modalities.
  • Starting on April 24, a team of health professionals from Hospital da Luz Póvoa de Varzim will go to these institutions and provide training sessions.
  • Along those sessions, participants will learn and practise on manikins all the procedures adequate to assist a person on cardiorespiratory arrest, until the arrival of specialized medical help. Namely: Basic Life Support manoeuvres, insufflation and compression on training manikins, placement of the victim in recovery position, and airway clearance.

An efficient cardiopulmonary resuscitation, initiated right after the cardiorespiratory arrest, can double or even triple the probability of survival, but only 30% of victims receive the adequate assistance. Anyone can learn how to do the cardiopulmonary resuscitation and, thus, be able to save lives.

We are certain that this initiative will be an advantage to sports institutions and for the community in general, since they will be more prepared to face this type of cardiorespiratory arrest situations.

The practise of sport is fundamental for a healthier life and the prevention of disease. The practise of sport in safety is also a goal of Hospital da Luz.