International Container Terminal Service Inc.

05/07/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 05/06/2024 21:57

PPA hands over ICPC to VCT

The Philippine Ports Authority (PPA) officially handed over the management and operation of the Iloilo Commercial Port Complex (ICPC) to Visayas Container Terminal (VCT) in a ceremony last 6 May 2024. The event was attended by officers of PPA, VCT and International Container Terminal Services, Inc. (ICTSI), together with stakeholders from Iloilo industries and representatives from shipping line SITC. The handover signifies a new chapter for the ICPC, which VCT will continue to develop and improve throughout the company's 25-year concession. Photo shows (from left) Mikkel Puyat, ICTSI commercial director - Philippine Cluster; Timothee Jeannin, VCT executive director; Allan Rojo, port manager - PMO Panay/Guimaras; and Herbert Navarro, PPA division director.