Università degli Studi di Scienze Gastronomiche

09/19/2023 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 09/19/2023 05:49

Pollenzo Orientation week: UNISG is welcoming freshmen from 13 countries

Orientation week at the University of Pollenzo begins Tuesday 19 September

Welcoming the freshmen of the Undergraduate Degree in Gastronomic Sciences and Cultures and the Graduate Degree in Sustainable Food Innovation & Management

Students from 13 nationalities

The freshmen of the three-year Undergraduate Degree in Gastronomic Sciences and Cultures and the Graduate Degree in Sustainable Food Innovation & Management, after arriving in Bra in the midst of the Slow Food event Cheese 2023, are starting their week of full immersion in the community of Pollenzo.

The students come from Italy, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, France, Germany, Israel, Lesotho, Mexico, United Kingdom, Romania, United States, Uganda.

The orientation week begins on Tuesday September 19 with a welcome day by the President of UNISG Carlo Petrini and the pro-rector Nicola Perullo, followed by the introduction to university life in Pollenzo and then by the meeting with the academic staff and the convenors of the two degree courses.

On Wednesday September 20 the freshmen meet the rector Bartolomeo Biolatti, then participate in a talk by Carlo Petrini on the theme: "At the root of European modern gastronomy and beyond", followed by a lesson by the pro-rector Nicola Perullo on "Brillat-Savarin and Gastronomy: Potentialities and Limits". Later on, freshmen are introduced to the world of UNISG Alumni, the former students and their professional and creative experiences.

Thursday September 21 is dedicated to the meeting with the representatives of the different sectors of the university and the presentation of the services for students and student associations, ending with a guided tour of the UNISG headquarters and the educational gardens.

Classroom lessons for freshmen start on Monday September 25.