Missouri Department of Conservation

12/11/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/11/2024 15:41

MDC Dec. 20 virtual program to focus on owls

The great horned owl (pictured above) is one of several species of owls that people can learn about at an MDC virtual program about owls on Dec. 20.
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The great horned owl (pictured above) is one of several species of owls that people can learn about at an MDC virtual program about owls on Dec. 20.
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News from the region
Francis Skalicky
Published Date

SPRINGFIELD, Mo. - Because of owls' nocturnal lifestyles and their hunting of mice, rats and other rodents that can be pests for humans, these night-time birds are a fascinating and beneficial part of Missouri's outdoors.

People can learn more about owl species found in Missouri at the Missouri Department of Conservation (MDC) virtual program "Birds: Owls of Missouri." This program, which will be Dec. 20 from 3-4 p.m. is being put on by the staff of MDC's Springfield Conservation Nature Center. At this program, MDC Naturalist Morgan Wyatt will provide information about species of owls that are found in Missouri and will also have tips about how to identify their calls. This program is open to all ages. People can register for this program at:


Though this program is free, registration is required to participate. Use the link above. People can stay informed about upcoming programs at MDC's Springfield Conservation Nature Center by signing up for text alerts and e-mail bulletins. People who have questions about how to sign up for text alerts from the nature center or want more information about the facility or other upcoming events can call 417-888-4237.

Staff at MDC facilities across the state are holding in-person and virtual programs. A listing of these programs can be found at mdc.mo.gov/events.