Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Azerbaijan

06/14/2022 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 06/14/2022 06:59

National Salvation Day was celebrated in the Ministry of Energy

An event dedicated to 15 June - National Salvation Day was held at the Ministry of Energy with the participation of the leadership of the Sabail district branch of the New Azerbaijan Party.

Deputy Energy Minister Samir Valiyev spoke about the important place of this remarkable day in the history of Azerbaijan, in the fate of our people, the decisive and irreplaceable role played by the return of National Leader Heydar Aliyev to power in the rescue of Azerbaijan from the deep socio-political and economic crisis, in the protection of the stable foundations of the state's development, in the protection of the country from the threat of civil war and disintegration, in the development in all directions.

Making a speech in the event, the Chairman of New Azerbaijan PartySabail District Organization Mukhtar Naghiyev noted the political and social activities of the national leader under his leadership to Azerbaijan, as well as reforms and strategic events, historical services to the state and people, while the Deputy Head of the Oil and Gas Department of the Ministry Otel Huseynov underlined the opportunities provided by Heydar Aliyev's purposeful policy for the development of the national energy sector, production of rich oil and has reserves in our country with the help of advanced technology, exports to and sales in the external markets, and directing the revenues obtained to the economic development of the society.

It was also noted in the speeches that thanks to the successful policy and determination of President Ilham Aliyev, deservedly continuing the political course of the Great Leader today, Azerbaijan has gained new achievements and further strengthened its position among strong and influential states. It was noted that the victory in the Patriotic War, the infrastructure projects laid in the liberated lands, the measures taken to realize the great return are the results of the success of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief.

A video clip dedicated to National Leader Heydar Aliyev was demonstrated at the event, and a group of employees of the Ministry of Energy were awarded membership cards to the New Azerbaijan Party.