Almarai Company SJSC

12/16/2024 | Press release | Distributed by Public on 12/16/2024 05:40

Deputy Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources Visits Beyti Factory in Egypt, Owned by Almarai

His Excellency Engineer Khalil bin Ibrahim bin Sulaiman, Deputy Minister of Industry and Mineral Resources, along with his accompanying delegation, visited the Beyti Food Industries factory, a subsidiary of Almarai in Egypt, on Saturday, 13 Jumada Al-Akhirah 1446 AH (corresponding to December 14, 2024). The delegation was received by Mr. Faisal bin Marzouq Al-Fahadi, Deputy CEO of Almarai, along with several company leaders and department managers at the Beyti factory.
During the visit, His Excellency and the delegation toured the production lines and observed the advanced technologies implemented in manufacturing processes, reflecting Almarai's commitment to the highest standards of quality and innovation in the food sector.
It is worth mentioning that Almarai has significant investments outside Saudi Arabia, most notably Beyti in Egypt, which is considered one of the leading companies in the food and beverage sector. These investments align with Almarai's strategy to expand its global operations, exporting its products to over 45 countries worldwide while ensuring the delivery of high-quality products that meet consumer needs.